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KIKO TECHNOLOGY Agricltural  Application 




Environmental degradation over the past 50 years has led to a decrease in food quality. Many foods have stopped tasting like they once did and people have started to forget this. The strain on the natural environment and the pressures of industry often cause producers to take short-cuts at the expense of the food we eat. Kiko Technology seeks to reverse this in an accessible, environmentally-friendly, low-cost manner. We improve water, and by improving water, we are taking food back to what it should be. The use of Kiko Water in agriculture has shown marked benefits – up to a 35% increase in rice yield, 16-65% more wheatgrass, organic zucchini grown to 2.19Kgs with zero additives, etc. Besides this, farmers are saving money on seeds, increasing the number of annual rotations, witnessing healthier plants and relying less on chemicals such as fertilizers and in some case pesticides, herbicides and fungicides. Kiko Technology’s business model and strategies encourage sustainable farming practices without sacrificing business opportunities.


在過去50年,因自然及人為因素,漸漸退化的生活環境已影響到糧食的質量。 許多食物包括農產品,其味道已遠不及以前的美味,生產者在大自然及工業化生的壓力因素下,經常想施取巧謀略去增加產量而忽略農作物應有的質量




經Kiko改善過的水質用於農業後,可發揮可觀的效益: 如稻穀增產35%、小麥草增產16-65%、有機番黃瓜能長到每顆4.8鎊等。 同時農耕者可省下可觀的種子成本、提升耕耘季度 、收成更優質的農作物及減少對各式化學農藥的依賴、比如肥料、殺蟲藥、除草劑及殺菌劑等



What is Kiko Technology?


›An environmentally-friendly water management system, which improves the physics of water, allowing for: ›

›- Lower operating costs

›- Improved output/yield ›

- An alternative to chemicals – fertilizers, etc. ›

- Stronger/firmer stems, stalks, leaves and fruit

›- Extended shelf life of foods

›- Extra earnings or more savings for the grower





- 降低運營成本

- ﹒提高產量和收益

- 化學劑,農藥的理想替代品 - 如肥料等

- 更強/更堅定的根,莖,葉和果實

- 延長食品保質期

- 增加額外收益 / 節省更多



For more Kiko Technology information  - please click




Rice: Kiko increases yield by up to 35%. Milled grains are whiter, clearer and more pearlescent demanding a higher market price for the final product. During production, stalks are firmer making it easier to cut, thus reducing labour costs.  





Aquatic Plants: yields rose by 30-80% against a control, damage by pathogens decreased by 50%, less soil and debris sticking to plants leading to lower labour costs in cleaning products for export. Shelf life of the final product also increased opening more distant export markets for the producer.





Wheatgrass: 16-65% higher yields, crunchier and sweeter, less perishable, greener, uniform colouring, longer, denser root system.





Basil: visibly firmer leaves and stalks, less wilting vs. a control, better colouring, better shelf life. 






›Zucchini: vibrant and firm with improved flavor and extended shelf life





›Fruits and other vegetables: tests with avocados, strawberries, raspberries and others currently underway with positive initial feedback.




Successful Projects


Case Study


Case Study #1 - Rice


Date: Autumn 2009 – March 2010

›Location: Thailand (Bangkok suburb)

›Subject: Thai Rice


›Objective: To observer the effects of Kiko (if any) from seeding to harvesting to processing (i.e. milling, etc.) in a test vs. a control. ›


Procedures: In the test field, Tritan cartridges were placed in the soil in a gird formation every 40m x 40m (or, every rai, the Thai measurement of land.) All other factors were kept constant in both the test and control field. Both fields were irrigated by rain as normal. ›


Results: Uniform green hue within 3 days of Kiko installation. On day 17, a random sampling of Kiko stalks showed 20-30% higher height, thickness and root density. At harvest in March 2010, the Kiko field yielded 35-40% more rice than the control. In addition to extra earnings, the grower saw fewer broken grains and a whiter, more translucent grain all indicative of a higher quality and a better market value/class). Prior to milling, the farmer observed a brighter husk colour as well as fewer dark spots caused by pests on the Kiko grains.


›Other notes: It was observed neighboring areas to where the Kiko was planted showed signs of improvement as above. It was determined that the Kiko energy was carried via soil moisture and by wind in the form of air vapour.


案例分析 #1 - ›(稻米) 

日期 :2009年11月2日 (播種) - 2010年3月3日 (收成)

地區 :泰國, 曼谷郊外

品種 :泰國白米


目標 :視察Kiko對水稻種植的效應


方法 :用兩種同樣面積的水稻田作實驗比較 。在Kiko稻田每 1 Rai 面積( 40 × 40公尺,泰國計算單位 ) 安裝Kiko濾管並確保能隨時與水接觸 ( 兩塊作比較的水稻田都是靠雨水灌溉) 。


效果 :前3天,Kiko稻田的水稻秧等高生長, 比沒安裝濾管的稻田長得更加翠錄 。這種現象一直持續了17天。在 第17天,從兩塊稻田抽樣摘取稻杆作比較, Kiko稻田的稻杆高 20 -30% ,多20 - 30%的葉子,根部更加長更加強健 。


比較 :Kiko稻田收成多 35% ,米粒更加白淨 。以每1000粒硝過的米粒重量作比較, Kiko米平均重 29克,其他 稻田的米只有 21.8克,相比下,Kiko米少 40%折斷的米粒 。





Without using Kiko filter tube result:

6 mg white rice has 153pcs, of which  found 92pcs are broken rice


沒使用Kiko濾管的稻田 ,6毫克的白米有153顆米粒,其中92顆是折斷的米粒

Used Kiko filter tube result:

6 mg white rice has 164pcs, of which only found 54pcs are broken rice


使用Kiko濾管的稻田 ,6毫克的白米有164顆米粒,其中只有54顆米粒是折斷的

Case Study #2 - Wheatgrass


›Start Date: May 4, 2011            End Date: June 14, 2011

›Location: Bangkok, Thailand

›Subject: Indoor wheatgrass harvested every 9 days.


›Objective: To observe the effects of Kiko Technology (if any) on farmed wheatgrass in a test vs. a control by only changing one factor – the water. ›


Procedures: 100 trays were employed – 50 watered w/ Kiko and 50 w/out. The trays were placed in a greenhouse on a 3-level rack.


›Results: Positive results were observed with the Kiko crops including:

›- Firmer blades made it easier to cut, reducing labour time and cost during harvest. ›

- 16-65% increase in yield (by weight comparison) ›

- Uniform green coloring in the Kiko trays while some of the control trays (esp. the ones on the bottom level furthest from sunlight) showed signs of yellowing. ›

- Taste tests indicated a sweeter and crunchier product. ›

- Denser root system. ›

- Less perishability – the ability to stay fresh for up to 12 days enabled new markets for this farm.


案例分析 #2 - ›(小麥草) 

日期 :2011年5月4日 - 2011年6月14日 

地區 :泰國, 曼谷郊外

品種 :室內小麥草, 每 9日收成一次


目標 :視察Kiko對小麥草培植的效應


方法 :用100盆小麥草苗進行測試, 其中50盒用Kiko濾管浸泡過的水灌溉,另外50盆只用一般水 。全部小麥草苗放置在溫室內,平均放置在一個三層架上 。



- 更結實的草身, 方便收割,降低收成的人力; 

- 用重量作比較, 產量增加 16-65%; 

- 顏色一致翠綠, 相比下另一組部分的小麥草已漸轉為黃色;

- 根部更茂密更發達, 保群期延長至 12 日 ( 超出一般周期 );

- 口感 :更加爽口及清甜 。


Compare the growing of plant in the same period.



Compare the growing of plant roots in the same period.



Compare roots: The 4th day



Compare roots: The 7th day



Case Study #3 - Giant Zucchinis


›Dr. Hugh Johnson grew these giant zucchinis organically with no chemicals whatsoever. Only through sustainable methods and a smart use of water + Kiko. His old zucchinis were normally the size of a banana! Photos submitted on 26-Jun-11.


案例分析 #3 - ›(西葫蘆


在2011年6月26日,美國休依莊信博士用有機方法培植這些西葫蘆, 不添加任何肥料或技農藥, 只用滲有kiko的水灌溉, 在這之前用一般水灌溉, 其成果只有香蕉那麼大 。但改用Kiko水灌溉後,成果足有 4.8磅重.



Case Study #4 - Basil


›Photos of the same basil plant, before and after it was watered with Kiko Water. Photos submitted by Bob Arrañaga of Los Angeles, California on 13-Sep-11.


案例分析 #4 - ›(羅勒





Before using Kiko



After using Kiko



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