Swiss Caviar House (Asia) Limited
Farmland Technologies Research and Development Centre
Environmental degradation over the past 50 years has led to a decrease in food quality. Many foods have stopped tasting like they once did and people have started to forget this. The strain on the natural environment and the pressures of industry often cause producers to take short-cuts at the expense of the food we eat. Kiko Technology seeks to reverse this in an accessible, environmentally-friendly, low-cost manner. We improve water, and by improving water, we are taking food back to what it should be. The use of Kiko Water in agriculture has shown marked benefits – up to a 35% increase in rice yield, 16-65% more wheatgrass, organic zucchini grown to 2.19Kgs with zero additives, etc. Besides this, farmers are saving money on seeds, increasing the number of annual rotations, witnessing healthier plants and relying less on chemicals such as fertilizers and in some case pesticides, herbicides and fungicides. Kiko Technology’s business model and strategies encourage sustainable farming practices without sacrificing business opportunities.
在過去50年,因自然及人為因素,漸漸退化的生活環境已影響到糧食的質量。 許多食物包括農產品,其味道已遠不及以前的美味,生產者在大自然及工業化生產的壓力因素下,經常想施取巧謀略去增加產量而忽略農作物應有的質量。
經Kiko改善過的水質用於農業後,可發揮可觀的效益: 如稻穀增產35%、小麥草增產16-65%、有機番黃瓜能長到每顆4.8鎊等。 同時農耕者可省下可觀的種子成本、提升耕耘季度 、收成更優質的農作物及減少對各式化學農藥的依賴、比如肥料、殺蟲藥、除草劑及殺菌劑等。